What is threatware? Definition, causes and how to protect yourself

Hand typing password to protect against threatware.

In an increasingly digitally connected world, the scale of cyber threat has escalated significantly. In this landscape, threatware has emerged as one of the most prevalent methods of attack for cybercriminals across the globe. The definition of threatware is wide ranging, but this article will shed light on the topic, examining its potential threats, famous …

How To Protect Your Computer From Chrome Zero Day Vulnerabilities

Picture of Google Chrome browser on a phone that’s protected from Chrome zero-day vulnerabilities.

Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers in the world, used by millions of people for browsing the internet on their computers and mobile devices. It has a wide-spread appeal, including being one of the top browsers for integrating extensions that help save money while shopping online or gathering information at a …

Malicious Microsoft VSCode extensions steal passwords, open remote shells

*Content borrowed from bleepingcomputer.com. Cybercriminals are starting to target Microsoft’s VSCode Marketplace, uploading three malicious Visual Studio extensions that Windows developers downloaded 46,600 times. According to Check Point, whose analysts discovered the malicious extensions and reported them to Microsoft, the malware enabled the threat actors to steal credentials, system information, and establish a remote shell on …

Kpot, The info stealer

Kpot, an older information stealer just got a major update and is seen in the wild again. This time Kpot brings zero persistence (meaning its never written to your computer) and instead does all of its attacks in memory before leaving your computer completely. Removing the ability to detect it without Real-time protection. How it …

WinRAR Vulnerability

File compression has been an indispensable tool for computer users ever since it was first developed in the late 1980’s. Back then space on relatively small hard drives was at a premium, and compacting files that weren’t currently being used was a great way to free up a few valuable megabytes. These archived files also …


TrickBot is once again making itself known during tax season and attempting to steal your hard-earned money. TrickBot was originally discovered in October of 2016 but has since changed and evolved dramatically into one of the most prolific attacks today. How it works Just like Emotet, TrickBot primary spreads by specially designed emails or malspam …


Anatova is the nickname given to a new brand of sophisticated ransomware that looks to encrypt your personal or business files and then demands payment to decipher them. How it works Anatova is distributed through peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing networks. It masquerades as genuine software, often using real icons to fool users into believing it …

How To Remove Vidar/GandCrab

Vidar is a relatively new keylogging, data-stealing malware campaign. It is generally distributed through malicious advertisements on less-than-reputable sites such as bit torrent or free video streaming sites. These malvertisements redirect their victims to various exploit kits such as Fallout and GrandSoft, which in turn will infect your machine with various malevolent payloads such as …