How to remove Hancitor

Hancitor, also known as Chanitor, is known for dropping its payloads rather than downloading them post-infection, as well as for a unique phishing approach to trick users into downloading and activating Microsoft Word documents with malicious macros.

How it works

Hancitor uses a new template that attempts to fool the user into believing that it is a FedEx tracking number. There is no attachment, however; instead, the tracking number link directs the user to the sjkfishfinders[.]com domain and then downloads the Word document. Once downloaded, the Word file attempts to trick the user into allowing macros, which would trigger code residing inside the file. An example can be seen below:

The lack of an attachment, often seen as a red flag by many users, may lure the user into a false sense of security. It is important to be careful about which links you click: on most modern web browsers, hovering your mouse pointer over the link will tell you where the link will lead to. If you do not know the address, then it is safer to avoid following the link.

When a user enables the macro, rather than download the application from the internet, the application it is instead extracted from inside the document and dropped in the hidden folder \AppData\Local. Before finishing, the script launches the command cmd.exe /c ping localhost -n 100 && C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\6.pif. Ping is used to delay the attack to avoid automatic detection by waiting for approximately 100 seconds before running the dropped application 6.pif. 6.pif then reaches out to a C&C server before downloading new malware or running commands.

In addition to 6.pif, another file is dropped at C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\ This executable is a banker. Immediately after being run, it reaches out to, which returns the victim’s public IP address. It then attempts to submit several unique values and the IP address in plain text to a list of infected servers. If the infected servers reply back indicating that they are available to receive the data, the program will  begin compiling all the usernames and passwords it can obtain and submit them to the server.

Other templates have been used by Hancitor in the past, including but not limited to: divorce papers, parking tickets, and FTC claims. As always, its important to have Microsoft Office macros disabled unless required by your job.

Who is affected?

Anyone with an email address can become a target of this spam campaign. While it does not use victims’ email addresses like Emotet does, Hancitor’s unique templates are meant to catch even savvy users off guard, regardless of whether the email is used for work or is a personal email.

Indicators of Compromise

  1. cmd.exe /c ping localhost -n 100 && C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\6.pif
  2. sha256: 76b96c8d796cfcebff34d42e65e5a4ab2770fda42ea3c259097ee068660dfcc2                        
  3. md5: 4d4e366b0813148f12fa1a2638c43f72         
  4. C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\        
  5. Felighevengna[.]com    
  7. verrestofred[.]ru             

What you can do

If you or someone you know is infected with Hancitor malware download SUPERAntiSpyware Professional right now and get a 14-day free trial, no credit card required.  SUPERAntiSpyware is easy to install and will detect and remove Hancitor from any Windows computer.

If you are a Computer Technician, you may like to try our SUPERAntiSpyware Tech Edition solution, now free for the next 30 days. Use Tech04 as the Tech ID.  Click here:

How To Remove Hancitor

  1. Restart the infected computer in safe mode without networking.
  2. Search through the items in the Indicators of infection section above and investigate any files/folders you do not recognize. You can run the file through SUPERAntiSpyware or online through to confirm that it is malware.
  3. Delete files and folders that have been confirmed as malware.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 on all other machines in the network.
  5. Restore all infected computers to normal mode only after confirming the infection is removed.


Attack Vector: Is the way the attacker gains access to a target. The most common of these are malicious emails but many more exist and are discovered all the time.

BackDoor: Is a bypass allowing a Malicious user to connect to the target machine without permission from the target. These can be in the form of default username and passwords baked into the machine or a malicious download that opened a connection for the malicious user.

BlackHat: Is a term referring to a hacker who hacks for personal gain. The term refers to the old western movies where the good guy would wear a white hat and the bad guys would wear a Blackhat.

Banker: Refers to a malicious file that attempts to steal bank information from the user.

Command and Control: refers to code under a attackers control that listens for messages and replies with commands for the malware to execute. For example, a piece of malware infects a windows computer and detects that the user uses chrome but not firefox. It messages its C&C asking what it should do and the C&C decides that it should only run the Chrome information stealer command rather than execute all of its commands. After the malware sends the information it gathered back to the C&C server.

Domain squatting/cybersquatting: refers to holding or squatting on a misspelled or visually similar web address to trick victims into visiting and trusting the site.

Downloader: Refers to a software that Maliciously downloads another file from the internet and then executes it.

Dropper: Refers to a software that has a malicious file residing inside of it which is extracted and then ran.

Keylogger: A piece of software designed to record every key pressed on your keyboard, mostly used to steal your usernames and passwords.

Mal-Spam: (malicious-Spam) is a technique used by attackers where they send out emails pretending to be something you would expect to receive. This is a very common attack.

Phishing: fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising as a trustworthy entity. Normally done over email or instant messaging.

Ransomware: A type of malware which encrypts your files, effectively holding your documents hostage until you pay to get them unlocked.

RootKit: A type of malware that abuses Operating systems trust of certain key often low level aspects so as to gain persistence and become harder to remove.

Supply Chain Attack: A attack Vector involving malicious attackers gaining access to trusted software and injecting there own code inside of it. Allowing them to bypass many security checks.