
Uninstall Survey

Please help us improve SUPERAntiSpyware! We work hard to provide high quality and effective software solutions. By completing this simple survey and providing your valuable feedback, we can make our software work better for you, the user.

SUPERAntiSpyware - Upgrade to our Newest Software $14.95

We offer 100% free unlimited customer support via email and are here to help. If you would like help with SUPERAntiSpyware please contact customer service.

Why did you uninstall SUPERAntiSpyware?

No problem here! I am upgrading or re-installing SUPERAntiSpyware.
The product DID NOT detect and remove the spyware on my system
The product was too complicated to understand
I thought this was a FREE product
I found a better product (please specify)

What web-browser do you use?

Additional Comments

Email Address

Please specify your email address only if you wish us to contact you with a solution for the reasons you provided above. We offer free, unlimited technical support via email and can promptly assist with any problem.

Questions? Email us at