Developers – Fill out that version information and watch where you put your files!

Fill out that version information and watch where you put your files! During our daily research and quest to locate harmful software, we come across many types of applications and application components. Our current database has literally millions of file samples from users with potentially infected systems. Part of any researcher’s duty is to look …

The Ethics of Business Practice: Deceptive Advertising

Deceptive Advertising The business practices of malware companies include a multitude of unscrupulous and deceptive practices to spread their products in order to lure the unsuspecting computer user to purchase or download their products. In that segment of the business community, deceptive practices are wide spread and include the all too familiar “scam and scare …

What Are The Incentives For Malware/Spyware Testing?

Incentives For Malware/Spyware Testing Computer users worldwide seek to identify the best, the most comprehensive and thorough anti-spyware, anti-trojan, anti-keyloggers and anti-virus scanners (collectively anti-malware) to defeat the abundance of the constantly increasing “malware” infecting their computers and affecting their use of the internet and their computer in general. The various computer user group’s websites …

The Importance of Testing Methodology

Testing Methodology In today’s oversaturated market of anti-spyware/malware/adware applications, it is becoming increasingly difficult for users to determine which applications will perform best for their specific needs. Thus, they look for standardized and legitimate “comparative tests” of these applications. Testing anti-spyware applications is not an easy task. It is imperative that those who are going …